Reflections and Tips for Using What You Learned in Coaching

Congratulations on completing your coaching engagement with Sayge! Since coaching is a process that continues after your final session, we’ve created this wrap-up guide so that you can reflect on your greatest insights and make future-forward commitments. Let’s start by reflecting on your coaching journey to this point:

Reflections and Commitments 

Take some time to reflect on your coaching sessions. It might be helpful to grab a piece of paper and pen or open a note on your phone to do some quick journaling. 

  • What new insight or skill has been most valuable to you throughout this experience?
  • What one area do you commit to continuing to work on?
  • What area would you like to explore on your own??


Self-coaching is a powerful tool that you can continue to develop on your own and after your coaching sessions are complete. It’s a process of guiding yourself through challenges, change, and growth with powerful questions. When developed over time, we can use self-coaching to find solutions more quickly on our own or advance our overall mindset. Many questions your coach asked during your sessions can be used for self-coaching. 

For example:
  • How have I approached a challenge like this before?
  • What is truly holding me back at this moment?
  • What is the cost of not doing this? Or choosing to do it?
  • How will I look back on this if I do/don’t choose to do it?
  • What would this look like if I didn’t have restrictions?

What is one self-coaching question that you find most beneficial to you?

Thank you again for being a part of Sayge. Our team has loved watching your evolution and growth over the past few months. If you haven’t given us feedback yet, please take your post coaching survey at your earliest convenience.

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