Topics Evolve During Coaching

You’re on your coaching journey and you’ve had a few sessions - congratulations! 

You may find that the 2-3 topics you jotted down as you started are no longer at the top of your list of things you want to work on. That’s ok! 

It’s common and natural for your coaching topics to evolve. 

To give an example: as you and your coach get to know each other and delve deeper into your working life, you may find that the “Communication & Presentation Skills” you wanted to work on are only an issue due to a fear of presenting to your senior leadership team. Your coach may ask if this fear is present due to imposter syndrome and you wind up talking about confidence for the next session or two. Again, this is totally ok! 

You are here to grow and change and your coaching topics might too 😊

If you want to talk about this more, please join our bi-weekly Q&A to talk about topics with a member of the Sayge team! 

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