Rematching Process


At Sayge, we believe the match really matters. Having a coach with whom you feel connected and safe, and who challenges and empowers you to continue to grow is incredibly important. However, the matching process isn’t perfect (what is?) and if you want to be matched with another coach, please reach out to and we will happily accommodate. Here are a few other things to know:

Rapport Takes Time:

Coaching is a collaborative process deeply rooted in relationships, and relationships take time! If you and your coach don’t hit it off immediately, stick with it. It could take a few sessions for the relationship to develop and for you to feel progress.

Be Committed:

Come prepared to your sessions and do any homework that your coach has suggested. You will get as much out of coaching as you put in, and a rematch might not be necessary if you are committed.

Give Feedback:

Strong relationships require communication. If you need something different from your coach, don’t hesitate to give them feedback. This will likely result in a positive change and you can avoid a rematch!

Returned Sessions: 

If you are rematched, you will get 2 sessions back! That means if you have 6 total sessions, and you have 3 with one coach and are rematched you will have 5 sessions with your new coach. 

Virtual Interview: 

To start the rematch, we will ask you to schedule a brief 15-minute chat with a member of the Sayge team so we can better understand what you are looking for in your next coach. This doesn’t always happen, but sometimes extra information is helpful to get you correctly rematched!

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