360 Reports

Below you will find information on the 360 feedback collection and the 360 review with your Sayge coach. 

Please note: The 360 feedback review is an additional service paid for by your organization. If you are participating in a 360 feedback review, this will be made clear at the beginning of your coaching journey by your organization and the Sayge team.

What is 360 degree feedback?

A 360-degree review is a talent development tool used to provide you with feedback from all directions. This typically includes upward feedback from your direct reports, peer feedback from those with whom you work closely, and downward feedback from your manager. 

360 reviews are anonymous and include the people who work closest with you to obtain the most relevant and helpful feedback.

Process for feedback collection and review

Step 1: You will receive an email from our team with easy to follow information on next steps with the 360 feedback collection, including:

  • The timeline for feedback collection
  • Easy instructions for how to choose and enter raters 
  • Easy instructions on how to submit your own scoring for your self reporting
  • Clear instructions on next steps in the process

Step 2: Once you submit raters, the rater will receive an email asking them to give their feedback. 

Step 3: Once 90% of the raters have left their feedback, the coach will receive the report. Your coach will review the report before debriefing you on the contents within the report. 

Please note: Certain feedback is required for a report to be “complete”. This includes: all manager feedback and at least one peer and direct report. For example, if none of your direct reports have submitted feedback, the report will not be considered complete. The Sayge team will reach out to you if we’re having trouble getting feedback from your raters.

Step 4: Once the coach guides you through the report, you will make a plan on actionable next steps to address the feedback together in your subsequent sessions. 

Questions asked in the 360 questionnaire

Here are the questions presented both to you and the raters in the 360 questionnaire.  

A sample 360 report

Here is a sample 360 report for your review. 

This report might feel overwhelming if you were expected to review on your own! This is why it is imperative that coaches review this feedback report with the individual being coached in real time. 

Please note: This report is private to the individual being coached and is never shared with the organization under any circumstance.

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