Goal-Setting and Topic Inspiration

One of the biggest learning curves for new coaching participants is knowing how to prepare goals and topics to bring to your coach. Your coach will ask at the beginning of your sessions, “What do you want to work on today?” – If you have no idea, it will be hard to get the most of your 45-minute sessions. 

Take a look below for support in coming up with your goals and topics for coaching.

Thought exercise:

Think about possible friction you feel in your job - in your role or your workplace in general. When you think about a few different areas of friction or different challenges, is there a theme?

Think about the last time you felt friction around a moment at work. Alternatively, think about a few strengths and how you can nurture them.

Use our goal-setting guide:

Some people find it useful to have support in establishing goals. If this is you, feel free to use this worksheet to establish goals to work toward while working with your coach over the next few months.

Although we encourage you to reflect on your goals and share your thoughts with your coach, you are not required to share them with anyone else. Most importantly – be candid and honest with yourself!

Common topics worked on in coaching:

  • Accountability & Ownership
    • Taking full responsibility for your work
    • Being accountable for the delivery of results
    • Ownership of outcomes that are different than expected
  • Collaboration
    • Collaborating with others, especially those different from you
    • Working effectively with others towards common goals
    • Adopting different roles and responsibilities as needed
  • Building & Managing Teams
    • Supporting your team
    • Providing clear structure and expectations
    • Maintaining a positive attitude and environment.
  • Confidence
    • Confidence in your ability to perform your job
    • Confidence in how you show up
    • Showing up as who you are
  • Career Pathing & Planning 
    • Becoming clear on how to get to the next level
    • Clearly setting and communicating career expectations
    • Understanding strengths, weaknesses, and other personal traits to grow faster
    • Executive Presence & Managing Up
    • Clearly communicate and articulate your needs to other senior members of your team
    • Better conversations with your manager
    • Challenging other people's viewpoints effectively
  • Personal & Professional Branding
    • Feeling confident in presenting and public speaking
  • Motivation
    • Being motivated and engaged at work and showing up with energy
    • Feeling motivated to make a difference in the workplace
    • Motivated by the challenges and responsibilities of the workplace
  • Communication
    • Clear, concise, and effective communication
    • Confidence and comfort in having tough crucial conversations
  • Leadership
    • Leading your team more effectively
    • Clearly communicating your expectations to your team
    • Supporting your team's growth
  • Role Transitions
    • Navigating the people and work environment in a new role effectively
  • Thriving in uncertain conditions
    • Being more effective in navigating the constant change
    • Discovering opportunities that change can bring
    • Finding and seeing the positive in changing environment
  • Time & Energy Management
    • Comfort in setting clear boundaries
    • Managing time and energy more effectively
    • Understanding what charges or drains your energy
  • Work-Life integration
    • Balancing work & life better
    • Disconnecting from work during down time
    • Limiting overtime and unexpected work requirements during down time

Jot down 2 or 3 topics from this list that resonate with you. And reflect on the thought exercise above to see if any of your recent challenges or opportunities align with anything on that list. The list is not exhaustive but it can help to think of concrete examples of those broad topics. 

Utilize your coach:

Your coach is trained to help you with goal-setting should you need additional help. You can expect to spend a large part of your first coaching session getting to know one another and on this important part of the coaching process. 

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Reach out to us anytime - we're here to support you!

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