Surveys and Reporting

Throughout your participants' coaching journey, Sayge will deliver a number of surveys to help them understand and interpret their progress, and help Sayge capture and deliver quantitative reporting on the overall results of your program. Any data collected from these surveys is fully anonymized in reporting delivered to employers, and if we cannot collect sufficient amounts of replies in order to anonymize results (at least 7 or more replies in a given cohort/group), we will not deliver qualitative data.

The surveys delivered are:

  • Matching Questionnaire: Delivered when a participant is invited, information is collected to get to know the participant and their specific growth needs in order to match them with a coach best-suited to them.
  • Check-in: Delivered after a participant's 2nd session is logged with their coach - helps Sayge understand how a participant is doing and whether or not a coach rematch should be recommended.
  • Midpoint Check-in: (Only delivered for engagements at or above 12 sessions in length) Helps Sayge understand how the participant's coaching program is progressing and the quality of their experience.
  • Post-Engagement: Delivered after the second-to-last session logged with a participant's coach, helps the participant and Sayge to note final insights and measure the impact of coaching for the participant.

Note: if you are running a program of 15 or less participants, you will not receive any qualitative reporting captured from the surveys above and your reporting will be limited to reporting based on session utilization.

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