Understand and Track Participant Progress, Status

While the Overview page provides high-level details of your coaching program, the Participants tab of your dashboard enables you to track the individual, deeper details of your participants' experience.

Filtering the Participants Tab

The Participants tab includes several filters near the top-right of the page to help you see progress for a specific group of participants. Included filters are:

  • Cohort: Defaults to "All cohorts", allows you to select the specific coaching group whose progress you'd like to check.
  • Status: Filter by the stage of the coaching journey that participants are in (Invited, Awaiting Match, In Progress, Discontinued, etc.).
  • Progress Status: Filter by coaching progress status to see who is on-track to finish on time, off track, etc. (see below for specific progress status definitions)
  • You can also search for a specific participant by name in the "Search by name" bar to track progress or take actions for a specific participant.

With or without selecting filters above, you can select certain filter headings to sort those filters by ascending or descending value, including Participant (sort by Participant Name), Sessions (sort by number of sessions spent), or Last Session (sort by date of last session). Select a heading to sort it, and select it a second time to reverse the sort-order of the selected heading.

Understanding Participant Details

Participant progress is tracked row by row for individual participants. Each row will display a participant's name, the cohort they're assigned to, their session utilization record, the date of their most recent session, their coaching stage, and their coaching progress status.

Progress Status

Progress Status captures a participant's estimated likelihood of completing their program on-time (or at all), gauging the overall "health" of the participant's progress.

From the time a participant is matched with their coach, Sayge strongly recommends a coaching session cadence of twice-per-month and requires a cadence of at least one session per month. This cadence ensures the success of the coaching participant by keeping coaching-related thinking top of mind and the coach connection healthy, and also ensures respectful use of their coach's time and availability. Based on that timing, these statuses give you an at-a-glance understanding of your participants' "health" as they undergo coaching.

  • Ready to Begin: Participant is waiting to be matched or to have their first session with their coach
  • On Track: Participant has completed to their matching questionnaire on time and/or is having regular sessions with their coach
  • Delayed: Participants hasn't completed the matching questionnaire on time or hasn't had a session with their coach in over 15 days
  • At-Risk: Participant has missed more than 2 sessions (either by forfeit or failure to schedule)
  • Unresponsive: Participant hasn't answered the matching questionnaire for more than 30 days

Program Status

While Progress Status captures the participant's engagement and likelihood of finishing their program on time, Program Status captures which stage of the coaching process a participant is currently in.

  • Pending Invitation: waiting for invitation to complete matching questionnaire
  • Invited: invited to complete matching questionnaire, has not completed
  • Awaiting match: has complete matching survey, is waiting to be matched
  • In progress: has been matched with a coach
  • Completed: has completed their match by either
    • Utilizing all available sessions
    • “Completed” early by indicating their coaching goals were accomplished in an opt-out survey
  • Rematching: has asked for a new coach and is waiting to be matched again
  • Discontinued: was discontinued for any of the following reasons:
    • Slow progress (contract expired before all sessions were utilized)
    • Left company
    • On extended leave
    • No interest in continuing coaching
    • Unresponsive
    • Three forfeits in a row
    • Other

Session Utilization

Each participant row contains a summary of session utilization, with each session represented by a differently colored square. The numbers to the left of the summary capture "number of sessions utilized/number of sessions still available", while the date to the right of the summary captures the date of the participant's most recently logged session with their coach.

  • Gray squares represent remaining unused sessions
  • Purple squares represent completed sessions
  • Orange squares represent forfeited sessions (sessions canceled with less than 24 hours' notice)

All of the above tools and options should provide a complete picture of your participants' progress. If you ever have additional questions, though, or need help with any of the features on this page, don't hesitate to reach out to support@hellosayge.com and we'll jump in to help as quickly as possible.

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